To say the state of travel ball rankings in North Carolina is sad would be an understatement.

There’s no rigor.

There’s no control.

And there’s no transparency.

Current ranking systems that are in place now are arbitrary and suffer from all sorts of regional, familiarity, and organizational size bias.

We aim to correct that.

NC Travel Ball Rankings will be the first site to use proprietary algorithms to establish rankings. These rankings will use our proprietary algorithm to determine the right rankings for the right teams.

We will not only use team ‘names’ to determine who’s moving up and who’s moving down… but also rosters and player stats.

Your team lost because open-rosters allow the competition to bring in ringers? Our algorithms look at that.

Do teams have the same roster across multiple divisions? We’ll know that too. And we’ll take it into consideration.

We’ll also institute ‘the transitive theory of baseball’ and create a series of travel baseball rankings based on this philosophy as well. 

And does your team use GameChanger? Bonus! We take GameChanger’s stats to the next level for our travel ball rankings.

We will grow quickly over the next few months in preparation for the Spring 2021 season, as we dissect travel baseball organizations and their rules.

This will be a fun journey, adding more sabermetrics to youth baseball in the Old North State. We’re excited to have you on board!